Event summary
Retrofit Revisit is a project that has seen the evaluation of 10 dwellings, 10 years after they originally received energy efficiency retrofit measures. The project has been funded by Innovate UK, alongside Historic England, and led by CIBSE and Studio PDP.
Following completion of the project, CIBSE have been undertaking dissemination activities. This workshop, organised by the Building Performance Network with support from Innovate UK, is an opportunity to delve further into the building performance evaluation approaches (planning, techniques and technologies) that informed the projects findings, with insights and expertise from the lead building performance evaluators – Julie Godefroy and Marion Baeli.
The British Standard for in-use BPE, BS 40101 has been used to inform the BPE on the Retrofit Revisit projects. This will be included in workshop content, as will an overview of the rapid techniques used as part of the testing for the 10 projects.
The first of three face to face workshops was held in London on 18th June, with two further workshops taking place in Salford (9th October) and Bristol (28th November). The workshops are open to all within industry with an interest in retrofit and building performance evaluation, including housing associations, local authorities, architects, designers, engineers and retrofit specialists.
Join the workshop to understand how your general practice and specific projects can benefit from building performance evaluation and how to implement it. We will also have a tour of the Energy Houses after lunch.
Event details
Date: Wednesday 9th October 2024
Location: University of Salford
Registration: Free to attend, registration essential
- 09:00 Registration
- 09:30 Workshop starts
- 13:00 Workshop ends followed by lunch and tours of Energy House 1 and 2
- 15:00 Close
Workshop agenda
- Introduction from event chair – Tom Dollard, Vice-Chair, Good Homes Alliance
- Presentation by the UKRI Net Zero Heat Team on data-driven decision making in retrofit
- Overview of retrofit in the Northwest – Marianne Heaslip, People Powered Retrofit
- Overview of Retrofit Revisit – Julie Godefroy, Head of Net Zero Policy, CIBSE
- Nature of the 10 retrofits
- Aspects of evaluation techniques used for performance measured & monitored.
- BS 40101 – how this was useful, how it changed practice, where compliance was challenging – Zack Gill, SOAP Retrofit
- Rapid techniques for assessment – Luke Smith, Build Test Solutions
- 30-minute breakout groups each hosted by an evaluator
- Helen Grimshaw, Carbon Coop
- Zack Gill, SOAP Retrofit – Occupant feedback and BS 40101
- Kate Simpson, Manchester School of Architecture – How can we learn from retrofit success, and failure, quicker and share the information responsibly?
- Luke Smith, Build Test Solutions – Rapid techniques for assessment
- 30-minute repeat of breakout groups
- Summing up:
- Reporting, data presentation, data storage
- Conclusions – Julie Godefroy, Head of Net Zero Policy, CIBSE
- Challenges of reassessing retrofit projects after 10 years.
- Findings / lessons learned from the evaluation techniques
- Reporting, data presentation, data storage
- Wrap up – Tom Dollard, Vice-Chair, Good Homes Alliance
Supported by the Net Zero Heat programme at Innovate UK
Organised by the Building Performance Network, a programme of the Good Homes Alliance
Date: 09/10/2024
Time: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm