Invitation to tender: Guidance on ‘Data interpretation’ and the ‘Performance golden thread’

Invitation to tender: Guidance on ‘Data interpretation’ and the ‘Performance golden thread’

Development of two new online guidance modules on ‘Data interpretation, reporting and taking action’ and the ‘Performance golden thread’.
New research “Retrofit Revisit” reveals crucial lessons for future retrofits

New research “Retrofit Revisit” reveals crucial lessons for future retrofits

Co-authors Marion Baeli, Principal – Sustainability Transformation at 10 Design (part of Egis’ Architecture Line) and Julie Godefroy, Head of Net Zero Policy at CIBSE, announced the launch of Retrofit Revisit published via CIBSE.
BPN Update – June 2024

BPN Update – June 2024

An update from the Building Performance Network.
BPN welcomes Elfed Lewis as Network Lead

BPN welcomes Elfed Lewis as Network Lead

The BPN is delighted to welcome Elfed Lewis as new Network Lead.
We are hiring! BPN Network Lead and GHA Business Development Associate

We are hiring! BPN Network Lead and GHA Business Development Associate

We are seeking a BPN Network Lead and GHA Business Development Associate to support and grow our existing networks, and help develop new workstreams. Applicants are welcome to apply for just one role, or both the BPN and GHA roles as a joint position.
NEW EVENT: People and their data

NEW EVENT: People and their data

We are very pleased to have William Box joining us online to discuss the ethics of building performance evaluation. A very important consideration of any in-use building performance evaluation is engaging the occupants. Though this is about a lot more than data protection and privacy, understanding the ethics and being
MEMBER BLOG: Hermione Crease, Purrmetrix, on BPE and the Heat Pump Ready programme

MEMBER BLOG: Hermione Crease, Purrmetrix, on BPE and the Heat Pump Ready programme

Heat pump ready – Improving tests for householders and heat pump installers. The UK has huge ambitions for heat pump roll out with targets of 300,000 per year by 2030. They are a key part of the plan to decarbonise heating in homes and moving to electrical heating will also
Funding competition: rapid assessment of building fabric performance

Funding competition: rapid assessment of building fabric performance

Innovate UK recently opened a funding competition in its Net Zero Heat stream for innovations in the rapid assessment of building fabric performance. At BPN, knowing the crucial part evaluation plays in optimising building performance and getting the UK to net zero by 2050, we are always pleased to see
Innovate UK is looking for competition assessors

Innovate UK is looking for competition assessors

Innovate UK (IUK) are looking for competition assessors who have expert knowledge of buildings and the built environment. Could this be you? Most Innovate UK funding involves project ideas being submitted through a structured competitive process. While the competitions are developed and delivered by an IUK Innovation Lead, the assessment of proposals is undertaken at arm’s length from Innovate UK by
BPN at Futurebuild 2023

BPN at Futurebuild 2023

BPN is looking forward to being partners for Futurebuild 2020 at ExCel in London 7th – 9th March. We will be on the Good Homes Alliance stand and hosting a seminar on Wednesday 8th March.  o come and see us. More details here.
BPN becomes a Good Homes Alliance programme in 2023

BPN becomes a Good Homes Alliance programme in 2023

Exciting announcement about BPN in 2023 2023 will see the BPN move to be a programme of the Good Homes Alliance (GHA). This transition will not only support our current activities but importantly will enable members to network with 90+ GHA members, including almost 40 leading housing developers and clients. 
BPN welcomes publication of new Thermal Bypass paper

BPN welcomes publication of new Thermal Bypass paper

The Building Performance Network exists to improve the performance of homes through the collecting and analysis of evidence, so that remedial action can be taken, we have evidence-based decision-making, and that there is a culture of learning through the industry, based on robust, comparable data and analysis.  We warmly welcome
Seeking authors/writers with an understanding of BPE and the construction industry

Seeking authors/writers with an understanding of BPE and the construction industry

There is an ever-increasing demand for information on Building Performance Evaluation and with it the need for the growing knowledge base to be captured in reports and publications in an accessible way. We are looking to enlarge our pool of knowledgeable authors. Do you think you can help? Or do
MEMBER BLOG: Dr David Glew on DEEP (Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Potential ) project

MEMBER BLOG: Dr David Glew on DEEP (Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Potential ) project

The cost-of-living crisis, resulting from the gas price rises and the war in Ukraine, has highlighted, more than ever before, the need to improve the energy efficiency of the nation’s homes to meet the Government’s carbon targets. It is not just the societal tragedy that 6 million homes may find
BPN summer seminar: client-led housing BPE programmes

BPN summer seminar: client-led housing BPE programmes

We are looking forward to talking about client-led building performance evaluation (BPE) programmes both for new build and retrofit on Monday, 4th July, from 3.30pm. After a look at the policy outlook for BPE for new homes, Nigel Banks, R&D Director at ilke Homes will talk about BPE in the
BPN working with the Future Homes Hub

BPN working with the Future Homes Hub

BPN Development Director, David Adams is very busy with the Future Homes Hub producing guidance for housebuilders on the new building regulations Part F L O & S which also makes reference to building performance.  More significantly, he is working to develop a FHH BPE workstream which he will co-chair
BPE Resource Hub latest

BPE Resource Hub latest

We are excited to be working on the Resource Hub for Building Performance Evaluation, a new home for all things BPE.  Supported by Ecology Building Society, the first module is an introduction to building performance evaluation, targeted at an audience of non-professionals (such as self-builders) and professionals who are unfamiliar
The UKRI Transforming Construction Challenge comes to an end

The UKRI Transforming Construction Challenge comes to an end

The UK Research and Innovation Transforming Construction Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, completed in March. This concluded over 4-years of innovation activity to transform productivity and performance of our built environment. The Challenge covered a whole range of sectors and approaches, from digital tools to improve information flow, factory-built rail
Welcome to Mat Colmer

Welcome to Mat Colmer

A warm welcome to Mat Colmer who joins the BPN team as Director. Mat has been focused on the performance of our buildings for over 15 years and brings a wealth of experience in the built environment sector to the BPN. Always working at the forefront of research and innovation,
Insight into the new British Standard for in-use BPE

Insight into the new British Standard for in-use BPE

The start of February saw the publication of the British Standard for building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings (using data gathered from tests, measurements, observation and user experience), BS 40101. On Monday 14th February, we held a launch event with a presentation and Q&A with co-authors, Dr Kerry Mashford
BPE Resource Platform project announcement

BPE Resource Platform project announcement

2022 kicks off with an exciting new project for the BPN: we will be building a brand-new BPE resource platform with funding from Ecology Building Society.  We are delighted to be enabling greater uptake of building performance evaluation in this very pragmatic way. Primarily aimed at self-builders, retrofitters, clients, design
British Standard BS 40101 launch event

British Standard BS 40101 launch event

The British Standard for building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings (using data gathered from tests, measurements, observation and user experience), BS 40101 is now published. We will be holding a FREE launch event on Monday 14th February. Do join us. Click below for more information. British Standard for
British Standard BS 40101 Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings

British Standard BS 40101 Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings

BS 40101 is now published Available from the BSI shop. Free to BPN Members. LAUNCH EVENT 14/02/22: see below for recordings of the event, including presentations from co-authors Dr Kerry Mashford OBE and Dr Zack Gill, and the Q&A session. Background Growing interest in BPE In recent years there has been
Recordings from SEEDS event featuring BPN speakers

Recordings from SEEDS event featuring BPN speakers

All the presentations from the SEEDS Conference 2021, organised by Leeds Sustainability Institute at Leeds Beckett University, are available of Prof Chris Gorse’s YouTube channel: A number of the BPN team appeared across the two-day event.  George Martin on BPE and Building Regulations. Prof Fionn Stevenson reported on progress
Coming: a register of Building Performance Evaluators

Coming: a register of Building Performance Evaluators

To help you find the professional, experienced help you need to carry out a successful building performance evaluation project, we are putting together a list of BPEvaluators. We will be asking for reference projects and listing areas of expertise. With increasing demand to understand the actual performance of our building,
BPN response to the consultation on BS40101

BPN response to the consultation on BS40101

The BPN submitted a detailed response to the Draft BS40101 Building Performance Evaluation Consultation, which closed on 10th September 2021. Our main aim was to ensure that this important new standard contains an initial light-touch assessment process , followed by any necessary further investigations as determined by the BPE team
The case for BPE for homes - a visual guide

The case for BPE for homes – a visual guide

To support our campaign activities, BPN has produced this infographic document. The content is based on Campaign Director, Prof Fionn Stevenson’s fuller paper on the need for building performance evaluation in domestic settings, also available on our website here. We encourage you to share this widely and use it in
Industry views on British Standard BS 40101 - Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings

Industry views on British Standard BS 40101 – Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings

We recently held an event to discuss British Standard BS 40101 – Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings. BSI is currently consulting on this standard. We asked people from across our industry to comment on the standard. We hope this informs your own response. We encourage lots of
Brand new British Standard for in-use building performance evaluation is coming

Brand new British Standard for in-use building performance evaluation is coming

The draft of the British Standard BS 40101 – Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings, is now available for public consultation and open until 28th August. The authors, Kerry Mashford and Zack Gill, have been working extremely hard alongside the BSI, BPN and the drafting panel members to bring this
BPN Members feature in Showhouse magazine

BPN Members feature in Showhouse magazine

A number of our Members feature in this excellent article about the still very problematic performance gap in new housing and how building performance evaluation is being used to understand and address the causes. Showhouse magazine Image credit: Build Test Solutions
Spring has brought us 4 new BPN Members

Spring has brought us 4 new BPN Members

We are delighted to have the following organisations join our network as Members.  Click on logos to read a little more about them and their BPE work.
The business case for Building Performance Evaluation

The business case for Building Performance Evaluation

After the successful launch of our State of the Nation Report last year, we have been developing the concept for our follow-on project. The focus for this programme of work is to demonstrate the mainstream Business Case for BPE, with the aim being to move the discussion on to what real world commercial value BPE
Welsh Zero Carbon Hub - scoping report

Welsh Zero Carbon Hub – scoping report

The BPN, Good Homes Alliance and Woodknowledge Wales teams have been working in partnership to delivery a scoping study for the Welsh Government’s Innovative Housing Programme. Using a combination of literature research, over 70 responses to an online survey, 15 individual interviews and a social housing sector workshop, the team
Developing a BPN campaign strategy

Developing a BPN campaign strategy

The first task has been to establish and agree a new BPN Campaign Strategy.  This maps out the key influencers we need to work with and prioritises the messaging that should be used to reach out to the different organisations who can help to enable our BPN objectives. The strategy also
Future Buildings Standard and letter to MHCLG

Future Buildings Standard and letter to MHCLG

The BPN has been working closely with colleagues from LETI (London Energy Transformation Initiative), the Good Homes Alliance (GHA), RIBA and CIBSE among others to produce a common response to the recent MHCLG Consultation on the Future Buildings Standard – a key piece of new legislation covering new energy and
Presentations from Mainstreaming BPE and POE now available

Presentations from Mainstreaming BPE and POE now available

Earlier this week, we met with our Members and invited guests to talk about Mainstreaming BPE and POE.  Prof Fionn Stevenson presented her campaign strategy for the BPN and Ross Holleron introduced our latest project to gather and promote the business cases for BPE. Our guests were Alex Tait from
Event: Mainstreaming BPE and POE

Event: Mainstreaming BPE and POE

We will be meeting with our Members later this month to update them on our progress and to hear from the RIBA and the Retrofit Academy on their moves to mainstream BPE and POE. The event will be 29th March at 3:30pm, online. See details here: Contact Laura for
BPN Collaboration - Welsh Zero Carbon Housing Performance Hub

BPN Collaboration – Welsh Zero Carbon Housing Performance Hub

Collaboration The Building Performance Network is very pleased to have begun working alongside the Good Homes Alliance (GHA) and Woodknowledge Wales to deliver an important scoping study for a Welsh Zero Carbon Housing Performance Hub. The context – The journey to net zero in Wales 2019 was an exciting year
New team members: Ross Holleron and Prof Fionn Stevenson

New team members: Ross Holleron and Prof Fionn Stevenson

We are excited to begin this new year with two new team members here at the BPN.  We look forward to working together to bring building performance evaluation into the the mainstream. Until his recent return to the UK, Ross Holleron was Head of Building Research, Knauf Energy Solutions BE, in Belgium.  Previously,
BPN seeking Campaigns Director - help drive 'in use' performance improvement for the built environment!

BPN seeking Campaigns Director – help drive ‘in use’ performance improvement for the built environment!

Role title: Campaigns Director Reports to SDF Director/ BPN  Chair Based currently online, but normally at Sustainable Development Foundation, 5 Baldwin Terrace, London N1 7RU. About us The Building Performance Network (BPN) is a not-for-profit activity, currently run as a programme of the Sustainable Development Foundation, but aiming to be an independent,
Seeking technical author - closing date 25th September

Seeking technical author – closing date 25th September

Introduction Many existing, new and retrofitted buildings exhibit large gaps between design aspirations and in-use performance. To meet policy objectives and meet the needs of building owners and occupants, in-use performance needs to improve rapidly and radically. While many people are now aware of performance gaps for energy use and
British Standard for Building Performance Evaluation

British Standard for Building Performance Evaluation

An effective building performance evaluation industry requires some standardisation of methodologies, techniques and equipment.  We are therefore excited to say that the BPN has now received funding to support the development of a British Standard for Building Performance Evaluation.  The BPN will develop and manage the necessary contracts to deliver
Autumn seminar series: BPE for health and wellbeing

Autumn seminar series: BPE for health and wellbeing

This autumn, the BPN is pleased to bring you a series of events looking at the impact of the built environment on our health and wellbeing, and how we measure the effects and outcomes of interventions. See details on the Event page.
BPN housing performance map - add a project

BPN housing performance map – add a project

You can now add details for your project here and contribute to our greater understanding of the performance of new homes and their evaluation.  The map was originally created for the BPN research project, State of the nation review: Performance evaluation of new homes.  More about that on the research pages.
State of the nation review: Performance evaluation of new housing

State of the nation review: Performance evaluation of new housing

The inaugural research report of the Building Performance Network is here! Providing a digest of existing research programmes of new homes testing and monitoring, and a guide to all sorts of building performance evaluation, this is an invaluable document for anyone wishing to understand the performance of domestic buildings in the
REPORT LAUNCH - State of the Nation: Performance Evalulation of New Housing

REPORT LAUNCH – State of the Nation: Performance Evalulation of New Housing

Tuesday, 3rd March, BPN will be at Futurebuild to launch the findings of our first research project, State of the Nation: Performance Evalulation of New Housing.  See details of the event here and look out for the full report coming for download from our website.
Our position statement announced

Our position statement announced

BPN has had a busy and exciting week. At CIBSE’s Build2Perform, BPN announced its campaign for a joint industry position on disclosure and performance commitments.  Our statement has been jointly signed by CIBSE, Good Homes Alliance, LETI, RIBA and UKGBC.  We are delighted to launch this collaborative response to the performance
Performance Declares! at Build2Perform - speakers announced

Performance Declares! at Build2Perform – speakers announced

Building Performance Network will be at Build2Perform on Wednesday 27th November, 8:45-10:00. We are looking forward to hearing from @wilfredsouth, Ioanna Mytilinaiou (Greater London Authority), Simon Cross of @BRE_Group, @alex_tait and @JulieG_Sust. Find us bright and early, 8:45 in main theatre with coffee! Details of our session, Performance Declares! are
BPN at Build2Perform: Performance Declares!

BPN at Build2Perform: Performance Declares!

Building Performance Network will be at Build2Perform on Wednesday 27th November, 8:45-10:00. Details of our session, Performance Declares! are here. It is free to register for Build2Perform.  Do so here.
BPN presses Committee on Climate Change for Building Regulations changes

BPN presses Committee on Climate Change for Building Regulations changes

Following discussions at a BPN event, the BPN undertook to write to the Committee on Climate Change (CCC).  We asked the CCC to press for changes to the Building Regulations such that they test for building performance in operation and ensure that our built environment contributes positively to this country
Our thanks to Mike Ormesher

Our thanks to Mike Ormesher

George Martin expresses our thanks to Mike Ormesher as he steps down as Chair of the Building Performance Network. “Mike Ormesher has been a founding member of the BPN since 2016 and was instrumental in setting up the governance, structure, strategy, marketing and membership activities for the future of the


July 3, 2:00pm – 5:30pm, The Jam Factory, Oxford Come to Oxford to for an update on our research project, policy insight from our colleagues are CIBSE, as well as an introduction to their new benchmarks, plus case studies from exemplar BPE projects in housing and insight from a forthcoming
Videos from Futurebuild 2019 online

Videos from Futurebuild 2019 online

Presentations at Futurebuild 2019 were recorded.  Those from the BPN seminar Ensuring quality and performance in new homes can currently (as of 04/06/19) be found following these links.  These will work if you are first logged in not the Colab website, which is free to register for. Introduction by George Martin Prof
Survey: state of the nation: domestic buildings

Survey: state of the nation: domestic buildings

As part of the BPN’s State of the Nation Report on Domestic Buildings, Oxford Brookes University is carrying out a mapping of studies and datasets concerned with the performance of homes.  An online survey has been set up to identify the studies and datasets on housing performance are available in the UK.
Announcing the new partnership with CIBSE

Announcing the new partnership with CIBSE

This week at Futurebuild, BPN CEO George Martin announced a partnership between the Building Performance Network and CIBSE, designed to bring a number of benefits to the Network. As members will be aware, George took on the role of Interim CEO in January 2017 and as part of the partnership
BPN site visit to Passivhaus School, Sutton, with Passivhaus Trust 12th February!

BPN site visit to Passivhaus School, Sutton, with Passivhaus Trust 12th February!

New date for the BPN and Passivhaus Trust site visit to the Passivhaus Sutton Secondary School The BPN is pleased to offer a site visit to a massive Passivhaus project in Sutton.  BPN Members, Willmott Dixon, are building the £36m secondary school as part of the London Cancer Hub, and
POSTPONED BPN site visit to Passivhaus School

POSTPONED BPN site visit to Passivhaus School

WE ARE HOPING TO REARRANGE THIS VISIT AT THE START OF 2019.  PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU WANT TO BE NOTIFIED, OR LOOK OUT FOR NEWS. APOLOGIES FOR ANY DISAPPOINTMENT. The BPN is pleased to offer a site visit to a massive Passivhaus project in Sutton.  BPN Members, Willmott Dixon,
George Martin explains the importance of Building Performance

George Martin explains the importance of Building Performance

See George Martin speaking after our seminar at Ecobuild 2018:
Introducing the Building Performance Network

Introducing the Building Performance Network

Please watch and share this short video about what we are doing:
UK Passivhaus Conference 2018 - special offer!

UK Passivhaus Conference 2018 – special offer!

Our partner organisation, the Passivhaus Trust, is offering BPN Members a special early bird discount: £180 per person. This offer expires on 30th September. The BPN Member rate will then be £200, and the standard rate will £225. Please see conference website for more details. Contact us at if your organisation is not yet a
The Hackitt Report is published.

The Hackitt Report is published.

The Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety final report is published today.  Hear Dame Judith Hackitt’s interview on the Today programme here: she is on approximately 2hours 10min into the recording. The full report is on the government website.
WSBF & BBA roundtable calls for Government and industry support of the Building Performance Network

WSBF & BBA roundtable calls for Government and industry support of the Building Performance Network

In January 2018, CEO George Martin attended the WSBF (Westminster Sustainable Business Forum) & BBA (British Board of Agrément) roundtable, ‘Each Home Counts & the Building Performance Network’ on our behalf.  The recommendations from this event have now been published: Government should back new regulations for the energy efficiency industry
Ecobuild 2018 Presentation 3 - Paul Valentine, BBA

Ecobuild 2018 Presentation 3 – Paul Valentine, BBA

At our Ecobuild 2018 seminar, we were joined by Paul Valentine, Technical Director at BBA to talk about Lessons from the Good and the Bad.  Here is his presentation: Paul Valentine BBA Please see News stories for the other speakers’ presentations or contact
Ecobuild 2018 Presentation 2 - David Adams, Melius Homes

Ecobuild 2018 Presentation 2 – David Adams, Melius Homes

At Ecobuild 2018, David Adams from Melius Homes talked on his experience of EnergiesprongUK. Here is his presentation, entitled Improved Measured Performance In-use and Assuring Performance: David Adams Melius Homes Please see News stories for the other speakers’ presentations or contact
Ecobuild 2018 Presentation 1 - Prof Will Swan, University of Salford

Ecobuild 2018 Presentation 1 – Prof Will Swan, University of Salford

Two weeks ago, we held our first seminar at Ecobuild.  We were delighted to see a full-house. In case you missed it or would like the presentations for reference, we are able to release these online.  Now, we have Prof. Will Swan’s slides on Measuring Building Performance: New Frontiers: Will
Ecobuild 2018 Presentation - Introduction from our CEO, George Martin

Ecobuild 2018 Presentation – Introduction from our CEO, George Martin

In March 2018 we held our first seminar at Ecobuild.  We were delighted to see a full-house. In case you missed it or would like the presentations for reference, we are able to release these online.  Our CEO, George Martin, introduced the topic and the speakers.  Here is his presentation:
BPN is recruiting: Seeking a new Director / CEO

BPN is recruiting: Seeking a new Director / CEO

After a year of my leading the Building Performance Network, it is ready to move into a new phase, embracing the opportunities it promises.  I agreed to take on the role of Interim Chief Executive in order to get it up and running and attract sufficient funding to take us forward
Register your interest for a must-read Building Performance Report

Register your interest for a must-read Building Performance Report

In October 2017, BPN hosted an exclusive event in London with 40 construction professionals all having an interest in building performance in use.
BPN to stage industry wide building performance event in London, 10th October

BPN to stage industry wide building performance event in London, 10th October

Spend an afternoon with the biggest influencers in building performance at the BPN's exclusive event in London on Tuesday 10th October, 2017.