The draft of the British Standard BS 40101 – Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings, is now available for public consultation and open until 28th August.
The authors, Kerry Mashford and Zack Gill, have been working extremely hard alongside the BSI, BPN and the drafting panel members to bring this new standard to the industry. BPN has been supporting its development as an important step in mainstreaming BPE and making our built environment actually good enough to meet the climate challenge, as well as providing us with decent indoor environments.
The consultation documents are now published and the BSI will seek views through a two month consultation process to make the standard as robust and useful as it can be.
The documentation is available at the following online review portal using the link:
In order to view the document and indeed to comment you will need to register – this is straightforward and will take only a few minutes. Once registered, you will have access to all BSI standards that are currently available for commenting……….you are looking specifically for BS 40101.
For exploration and discussion on BS40101, join us at our free event on 12th July. Details here.