British Standard BS 40101 Building performance evaluation of occupied and operational buildings
BS 40101 is now published Available from the BSI shop. Free to BPN Members. LAUNCH EVENT 14/02/22: see below for recordings of the event, including presentations from co-authors Dr Kerry Mashford OBE and Dr Zack Gill, and the Q&A session. Background Growing interest in BPE In recent years there has been

BPN response to the consultation on BS40101
The BPN submitted a detailed response to the Draft BS40101 Building Performance Evaluation Consultation, which closed on 10th September 2021. Our main aim was to ensure that this important new standard contains an initial light-touch assessment process , followed by any necessary further investigations as determined by the BPE team

The case for BPE for homes – a visual guide
To support our campaign activities, BPN has produced this infographic document. The content is based on Campaign Director, Prof Fionn Stevenson’s fuller paper on the need for building performance evaluation in domestic settings, also available on our website here. We encourage you to share this widely and use it in

Future Buildings Standard consultation – BPN response
The Future Buildings Standard is a key piece of new legislation covering new energy and ventilation standards among others. A BPN response was submitted to the question relevant to our objectives as an organisation. It stressed the need to regulate measurements in use for the predicted building performance requirements set

Campaign Strategy
In January 2021, Prof Fionn Stevenson joined the BPN as Campaigns Director. Please find here her strategy for the coming months. Outline BPN Strategy for 2021 Alongside this sits Fionn’s mapping of organisations that have power to bring about the use of building performance evaluation: BPN Campaign Strategy map You

BPN Note on Housing BPE
A task identified in the Campaign Strategy has been to produce an effective BPN ‘calling card’ to use when contacting various organisations, which can quickly demonstrate the evidence and need for POE in terms of benefits, opportunities and barriers. The ‘calling card’ is a four page document, backed by lots

British Standard for Building Performance Evaluation
Introduction Many existing, new and retrofitted buildings exhibit large gaps between design aspirations and in-use performance. To meet policy objectives and meet the needs of building owners and occupants, in-use performance needs to improve rapidly and radically. While many people are now aware of performance gaps for energy use and

Joint Position on Measured Operational Building Performance
In order for the UK to meet its net zero carbon target by 2050, the Committee on Climate Change has highlighted that a transformation is required in the scale and speed of energy and carbon reductions from buildings, supported by a robust policy framework. Meeting the UK’s carbon objectives could

BPN presses Committee on Climate Change for Building Regulations changes
Following discussions at a BPN event, the BPN undertook to write to the Committee on Climate Change (CCC). We asked the CCC to press for changes to the Building Regulations such that they test for building performance in operation and ensure that our built environment contributes positively to this country

George Martin explains the importance of Building Performance
See George Martin speaking after our seminar at Ecobuild 2018: