• Be a part of an exclusive collective group of expert organisations shaping the building performance landscape
  • Be seen as a credible collaborator by Government and other organisations with an interest in this field
  • Support engagement with Government in a unified industry approach and have a say in what is proposed as industry standards
  • Learn and share knowledge about the latest developments in Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) and gain access to best practice guidance about BPE


Since January 2023, BPN is a programme of the Good Homes Alliance and membership is with that organisation. BPN Pioneer Network membership offers particular opportunities for organisations at the forefront of building performance evaluation - see below.

If you have any questions regarding membership of BPN, please contact beth@goodhomes.org.uk.


  • Standard GHA member benefits, plus additionally:
  • Free or discounted tickets for knowledge-sharing events run by BPN and Good Homes Alliance (GHA). Members may be invited to contribute relevant BPE content.
  • Project information, research papers, career opportunities promoted via the BPN newsletter, and further through BPN and GHA social media channels.
  • Free copy of the British Standard for in-use building performance evaluation (BS 40101:2022) while stock available.


  • Standard GHA member benefits, plus additionally:
  • Facilitated partnerships and collaborations between members of Good Homes Alliance’s specialist networks (Vanguard (local authorities), Pathfinder (housing associations), Net Zero Developer) and the wider GHA/BPN membership which includes architects, consultants, product manufacturers, academia and more, including networking events with GHA client members annually.
  • Up to 4 Pioneer Network meetings annually. Share ideas, innovations, experience with your peers, and input to BPN activity, research and policy engagement strategy, alongside specialists from beyond the membership.
  • Knowledge sharing and learning opportunities from exemplar case studies and topical events, workshops and training.
  • New guidance/research and further development of a library of the BPN Resource Hub and the GHA Knowledge Base. BPN members can sign up for a free user account on the GHA Knowledge Base to access member-only resources.
  • Regular press and PR, highlighting achievements of the network and its members.
  • Advocacy and representation of the network to Government and industry bodies such as the Future Homes Hub.


  • Leader members are at the forefront of the BPN/GHA and help shape our agenda, receiving a number of additional enhanced benefits.
  • In addition to Standard membership benefits, Leader members can benefit from the following:
    • Priority opportunities to present at BPN/GHA events and working group meetings.
    • Priority engagement and involvement in academic and industry research projects.
    • Enhanced opportunities to shape BPN/GHA agenda and workstreams.
    • Free tickets to all BPN/GHA events including GHA Annual Conference.
    • Your logo on the BPN website homepage.
    • Influence BPN/GHA activities through personal communication with the BPN Chair.
    • Regular 1-1 engagement with BPN Network Lead.
    • Peer-review and feedback on your sustainability strategies from our expert Board members.
    • Enhanced marketing opportunities such as sponsorship of BPN/GHA research projects, papers, events and conferences.
    • Enhanced PR and communications opportunities at events and via printed/online media articles/reports.
    • An annual briefing/presentation at one of your events by our Director, Chair or Vice-chair.


Application via Good Homes Alliance website (External link, opens in new tab)