Following discussions at a BPN event, the BPN undertook to write to the Committee on Climate Change (CCC). We asked the CCC to press for changes to the Building Regulations such that they test for building performance in operation and ensure that our built environment contributes positively to this country meeting its 2050 greenhouse gas emissions targets. 40 organisations and 50 individuals co-signed the letter. Copies were additionally sent to Secretaries of State at BEIS and MHCLG, and their advisors.
The BPN is now working on a detailed campaign, in favour of building performance evaluation, to further capitalize on the atmosphere of change in the policy regarding buildings and construction, and the collective sense of urgency to act against climate change. As ever, we will be aiming to increase the use of building performance evaluation. Please join us at Build2Perform (free registration here) to hear about this work. Alternatively, ensure you are signed-up to our mailing list for news using the link at the bottom of this page. If you want a preview, or to lend your support by becoming a BPN Member, please contact Laura.
Our thanks go to Jason Palmer (CAR Ltd) for voluntarily writing the letter. A copy of the letter is here: