Exciting announcement about BPN in 2023
2023 will see the BPN move to be a programme of the Good Homes Alliance (GHA). This transition will not only support our current activities but importantly will enable members to network with 90+ GHA members, including almost 40 leading housing developers and clients. Through this move we will be able to further promote the benefits of BPE to a greater audience and increase our impact when lobbying for BPE to be included within Government regulations, procurement and funding programmes.
Priorities for 2023 will include promotion of both BS 40101 and the Resources Hub. Plus continuing advocacy work with Government, The Future Homes Hub and others.
Member Benefits
The move enables benefits to BPN Members to be enhanced – examples include:
- An annual conference plus up to 8 events for exchange of knowledge and experience including full access to the GHA programme.
- Participating in advocacy to Government, Future Homes Hub, Homes England and other relevant bodies.
- Regular newsletter giving details of new developments, interesting relevant research etc.
- Opportunities for involvement in detailed working groups to explore research and policy development in specific areas.
- Engagement with the advisory group of Pioneers/experts to promote consistent application of good practice solutions in order to increase demand for BPE.
The Good Homes Alliance
The Good Homes Alliance has 90+ members including:
- The Vanguard Network – 20+ local authorities including large authorities in the Oxford Cambridge Arc and London boroughs.
- The Pathfinder Network – 7 housing associations including some of the ‘biggest builders’ in the UK such as Sovereign, Vivid, Aster, Abri and LiveWest.
- A new Net Zero Developer Network featuring 10 progressive developers such as Bioregional, TOWN, Greencore and Verto Homes. Collectively the network members are set to build 120,000+ homes over the next 10 years and have stock of over 350,000 existing homes.
- Product manufacturers and solution providers including Airflow, Eurban, SNRG, Velux, Veritherm and Zehnder.
- Leading architects, urban designers and consultancies including Hoare Lea, JTP, Inkling, Pollard Thomas Edwards, Studio Partington and URBED.
Members, plus the wider GHA network, have a growing interest in and need to both understand and implement BPE. We believe that working together, we can better accelerate the uptake of BPE and delivery of demonstrably better homes.
Although the Good Homes Alliance was set up to deliver wholly sustainable new homes, its remit will now expand to include BPE for existing homes and retrofit. Our own activities will make a significant contribution to this increase in scope. As the wider built environment community and Government seeks to address the UK’s existing stock, this is a timely development.
Until now, BPN has been a programme of the Sustainable Development Foundation. Both the GHA and BPN will remain part of the SDF family of organisations. The family also includes Passivhaus Trust, Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance and the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products. We all share the same vision of a sustainable built environment and commitment to evidence-based decision-making.
BPN Team
The BPN team will remain in place. Mat Colmer will continue to support the delivery of projects, foremost the Resource Hub, sponsored by Ecology Building Society and Rockwool. David Adams will continue to work with the Future Homes Hub. Both will remain as advocates for the BPN. Laura Morgan Forster will continue to work on project delivery, event organisation and communications. George Martin will become a Board Member of the GHA.