Presentations will be short and sweet, in the PechaKucha style, just 5 minutes and 5 slides each. We will have questions all together. Then, ending the formal part of the event, we will open several breakout rooms. This is to allow for informal chat and discussion around the practice and techniques described, a chance to share your own experience and catch up with colleagues or make new connections.

We have a host of dedicated improvers of the built environment to speak on 6th December. Colleagues from across the sector will take us from the drivers for BPE through to the impact on community and occupants.

Our speakers:

  • Matt Wood, EnergieSprong – drivers
  • Tom Dollard, PTE – design
  • James Warne, WMEBoom – design
  • Susie Diamond, Inkling – modelling
  • Annie Marston, Hydrock – modelling
  • William Box, Carnego Systems – tuning
  • Jonathan Webb, Carbon Intelligence – tuning
  • Ben How, Engie – construction
  • James Hargreaves, Plymouth Energy Community – occupants and community

By sharing their approaches to BPE and experience in the field, we seek dissemination of ideas and new collaborations.

Our speakers provided brief background information about their organisations so that their talk will be focussed on their exciting projects and activities. That background information is here: Breaking out of our silos – pre-event information



Carnego Systems is a Member of the BPN. More details on the company here.

WMEboom is a Member of the BPN and there is more about the company on our Members page.

Date: 06/12/2021

Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm