Event Output
Presentations at Futurebuild 2019 were recorded. Those from the BPN seminar Ensuring quality and performance in new homes can currently (as of 04/06/19) be found following these links. These will work if you are first logged in not the Colab website, which is free to register for.
Prof Rajat Gupta on the Station of the Nation research project
David Adams on Energiesprong in Nottingham
Paul Phassey and Jonathan Rickard on Quebec Park
Q&A session chaired by George Martin
Thank you to all our speakers.
Slides are also available:
Architect Paul Phasey and Jonathan Rickard for Radian, to told us about their project at Quebec Park in Whitehall and Bordon. Their presentation is here for you to download: Jonathan Rickard and Paul Phasey
Event Details
BPN session at FutureBuild: Ensuring Quality and Performance in New Homes
Date: 06/03/2019
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm