Event Output

Prof Fionn Stevenson, School of Architecture at University of Sheffield, outlined the recommendations she has presented in her new book, due August 2019: Prof Stevenson – Housing

Sarah Lewis is an architect with Hamson Barron Smith.  She described the POE work she has lead at the Passivhaus development in Norwich, Carrowbreck Meadow: Sarah Lewis – Carrowbreck Meadow

Doug Drewniak, Bioregional presented on monitoring at Bicester Eco-town, the results and the application of findings: Doug Drewniak – Bicester Eco Town

Hywel Davies, Technical Director at CIBSE and now our Executive Director spoke on current and upcoming policy consultations: Hywel Davies – Building a Safer Future slides

Event Details

Come to Oxford to for an update on our research project, policy insight from our colleagues are CIBSE, as well as an introduction to their new benchmarks, plus case studies from exemplar BPE projects in housing and insight from a forthcoming book.

Members and their guests are free.  Non-member tickets can to bought for £50+fees+VAT.

There are multiple policy pressures affecting the delivery of new homes in the UK, including the Hackitt Review, the Committee on Climate Change and forthcoming changes to the Building Regulations. At the same time, there are increasing reports of poor performance, in terms of quality, fire resistance and actual energy use. Measuring and understanding the actual performance of new homes is essential in order to track any improvements to the industry’s performance.

This event will therefore examine some of the policy changes for domestic buildings, along with emerging development in Building Performance Evaluation, and explore the implications of these changes on current practices.

We invite BPN Members and their guests to join us in Oxford on 3rd July.

Please see our EventBrite page to register.

Programme includes:

  • Hywel Davies, technical director at CIBSE to deliver a policy update
  • Prof Fionn Stevenson, author of the forthcoming Housing Fit For Purpose: Performance, Feedback and Learning, and Professor of Sustainable Design at the University of Sheffield
  • Prof Rajat Gupta (Professor of Sustainable Architecture and Climate Change, Director of OISD and LCB Group atOxford Brookes University) updating us on the BPN State of the Nation research project
  • Anastasia Mylona on the CIBSE energy benchmark
  • Case study: Bicester Ecovillage BPE – Douglas Drewniak, Bioregional
  • Case study: Carrowbreck Meadow, Norwich – Sarah Lewis, Hamson Barron Smith
  • Networking over drinks from 17:30

Members are encouraged to come with a guest from another organisation.

If you are not yet a BPN Member, now may be the time to consider it. Please see our Membership page for more information.

If you wish discuss Membership, please contact Laura.

Please see our EventBrite page to register.  Non-members can attend for £50+fees.

Date: 03/07/2019

Time: 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Address: The Jam Factory, Hollybush Row, Oxford, OX1 1HU

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