Members’ event – March 2020

Details of our Members’ and supporters’ event on Tuesday 24th March 2020, 2-5.30pm, in London.

NEWS: We now intend to hold this event as a webinar.  If you have registered to attend, you will be emailed more details.  If you now wish to attend or have enquiries, please e-mail Laura.


2020 is going to be a crucial year for regulation of our buildings, with potential to ensure a positive legacy for climate change.   Promotion of measured, in-use performance and declaration of those metrics has never been more important.  With our Position Statement in place, we will be pushing to ensure the performance gap is effectively tackled in the Future Homes Standard, and the Building Regulations for existing homes and non-domestic buildings, all planned for review this year.

In the first part of this event, we will investigate the BPE needs of leading clients and explore how the BPN Members can help them tackle high-level strategic challenges and technical issues to achieve their goals for their building.

After the break, we will take a broader view of BPE over the country and will consider how the BPN can drive performance improvements both through regulations and advocacy, and by engaging with client demand. There will be a facilitated discussion to help set BPN priorities for our actions in 2020.



2pm Chair:  George Martin, Interim Chair, BPN

2.10 Innovative clients – what are leading building owners and occupiers doing, achieving and looking forward to for the performance of their buildings – Lucinda Lay, Innovation Gateway

2.30 University estate strategy & performance measurement – Steven Pearson, University of Oxford

2.50 Panel – client needs from Building Performance Evaluation featuring

Matthew Wilkinson, University of London

Derek Wilson, TfL Property Development

Natalie Gardner, Clarion Housing Group

3.10 Q&A

3.30 Coffee & tea break


4.00 BPN in 2020 – Executive Director, BPN

4.20 Housing BPE across the UK – an overview, including BPN research update – Prof Rajat Gupta, Oxford Brookes University

4.40 Facilitated feedback to the BPN team – our plans, our campaigns, what the network needs from BPN, what the network can achieve together.

5.20 Summary of discussions – George Martin

5.30 Close – Networking drinks

Who should attend

This meeting will be for our Members and other supporters, including individuals involved in forming BPN, sponsors of our current research project, signatories to the CCC letter and position statement, and potential new Members.  We have room for up to 40 and priority will be given to members.

Attend to:

  • Engage with clients – estate managers, forward-thinking building owners and occupiers
  • Inform your own developments – what do clients need help with, what are the priorities that you can
  • Discuss how we can work together as a network to promote our joint objectives
  • Help the BPN team develop our plans
  • Celebrate the completion of our first research project: State of the Nation review: Performance Evaluation of Homes.

BPN plans for 2020

The BPN team has a number of plans for 2020:

  • Collating the evidence base for how in-use performance could be integrated into regulations
  • Engagement with BSI on the British Standard for building performance evaluation (BPE)
  • Continued promotion of our Position Statement on Operational Performance, alongside CIBSE, GHA, LETI, RIBA and UKGBC
  • Launch of a map of BPE projects across the country
  • Review of guidance and tools that will support the British Standard for BPE and Building Regulations
  • Possible new research proposals:
    • State of the nation: BPE in non-domestic buildings
    • State of the nation: BPE in existing buildings
    • Use of smart data


The Foundry, 5 Baldwin Terrace, London N1 7RU


Please e-mail with enquiries or simply to tell us that you will attend.